Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Page 9 7 Installing the Software If you use a card reader to retrieve your files, the following description of the card file structure may be helpful. Flash does not fire unless you set it Close-up Close subjects in. The optional Kodak EasyShare camera dock Flash Range Wide Angle 1. When the formatting is complete, the Setup menu appears. kodak easyshare cx6230 software

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easyshsre Pre-tagging For Album Names Then, all the pictures you take are tagged with those album names. Have the following information available: Choosing Internal Memory Or Sd!

kodak easyshare cx6230 software

Purchase these and other accessories at a dealer of Kodak products. Setting The Orientation Sensor Setting the Orientation Sensor If you rotate the camera to take a picture rasyshare example, a portrait shotthe Orientation Sensor reorients the picture so that it is displayed correct side up. Press the Menu button. To take full advantage of your camera dockreplace the batteries with the Kodak EasyShare Ni-MH rechargeable battery pack that is packaged with the camera dock.

Kodak EasyShare CX zoom digital camera — User's Guide

Contents may change without notice. Press to sovtware through the thumbnails one at a time. Before you take a picture, make sure the storage location is set the way you want it see page Image quality on a television screen may not be as good as on a computer monitor or when printed. All menu options are not available in all modes.

Page 90 Problem Cause Shutter button Camera is not turned does not work. Disconnect camera from the computer. The default setting is Liveview Off. Burstis ideal for captnringsporting eu,nts or easyshae motion. Checking Camera Status Chapter 1 Checking Camera Status Tileieons that appear on the camera screen indicate theactive camera and pictnre settings.

The camera dock now sits at the proper angle for viewing the camera screen.

Kodak EasyShare CX6230 zoom digital camera — User's Guide

BatteU is low or Rechargethe batteU exhausted. Chapter 10 Cause Solution Flash is not charged. When the formatting is complete, the Setup menu appears. Running a Slide Show Install Kodak EasyShare software beJbre connecting tile camera or optional eaJnera dock to the computer. Kodak camera user's digital camera cx pages.

When you turn on the camera, the lens is set to the Wide Angle position. Putting Yoursdf i nthePicture If you use a card reader to retrieve your files, the following description of the card file structure may be helpful. Press to easyshwre the Self Timer icon Setting Picture Q uality To check the location, either: Page 56 - Tagging Pictures!

KODAK: Topic Menu

Displaying Video Date Displaying Video Date To display the capture date and time only during video playback on the camera: This manual is also suitable for: Color kdak —for color pictures. Press to locate a picture or video or highlight one in multiple viewthen press the Delete button.

kodak easyshare cx6230 software

See page 10 To check the current camera settings: Flashis not available in Videomode.

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